The Fishtoft Circular Walking Route, Lincolnshire

Distance: 9.25 km

Difficulty: Easy

Dog Friendly: Yes (Small section of main road)

Ascent/Descent: Easy (+/- 76 metres)

Toilets: In The Red Cow only

Wildlife: Little Egret, Oyster Catcher, Gannet

Endomondo route: Download here


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This trail begins at The Red Cow pub on Gaysfield Road, Fishtoft, PE21 0SF.

  1. Start with your back to the pub. Set off left and then immediately right at the triangular junction along Clampgate Road. Continue to the Church and go into the churchyard by the first gate on the right (picture 1). Cross the church yard to the opposite corner and return onto Clampgate Road (the path ends, but keep walking onto the grass and around the church). When you come out onto the road, turn right and walk along the road until you come to a bridge, taking care as there isn’t a footpath. Immediately before the bridge, take the footpath on the right (picture 2). Follow the path, after it passes through a small copse it comes out onto a road.
  2. At the road, cross straight over, looking for the obscured entrance (picture 3), into Hobhole Bank nature reserve. Continue, following the path until you emerge into open space with the river on your left (picture 4) and ahead you will come to the pumping station. Continue here with the river on your left (don’t take the marked footpath on the right, although you can, as we did, and you’ll still come to the track, but it’s quite overgrown). You will emerge onto a track, go right and then left onto another marked footpath. Follow the path and turn right as you come to the River Haven (picture 5). Follow the path, past the Jolly Sailor (no longer a pub, sadly!). After a short while you will come to the pilgrim fathers memorial (picture 6).
  3. From here, follow the path closest to the river, with the river on the left. After passing the sewage works on the right, a path joins from the right. Pass this and continue on to the next junction of paths. Here, go right, after about 150 metres you come to another junction of paths with a warehouse on your right. Here go right towards the warehouse, down some steps and across a bridge (picture 7). Follow the path alongside the warehouse until you emerge onto a road.
  4. At the road, turn left, then immediately right at the signposted footpath. This path follows the edge of a field back to Fishtoft. Eventually, you pass some allotments and continue on to a road. Here, turn left and you’re back at the pub.

Pub 1: The Red Cow

The Red Cow is a friendly, ‘local pub’ set in the heart of the village. It’s a community focal point and although the decor could be interpreted as dated, it adds to the character. There was a good selection of beers and ales to choose from and the landlord was happy to chat to us about our walking. The pub doesn’t have a website but you can find their opening times here.


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About half way around the trail, at the Pilgrim Fathers Memorial, there are plenty of seats and benches overlooking the river which would be perfect for a pic-nic on a nice summer’s day.

We hope you enjoy the trail as much as we did!
Chris & Shaz

Posted on May 28, 2015, in Lincolnshire and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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